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Strawberry & Banana Oatmeal

Written By Steve Adam on Friday 19 May 2017 | May 19, 2017

Steel-cut oats are an alternative to rolled oats. Instead of rolling the grain flat, the whole oat groat is sliced using steel blades. This produces a hot cereal with a more interesting texture than rolled oats. Oat bran is an especially rich source of beta-glucan, and is somewhat higher in minerals than regular oatmeal.


  •  1/2 c. steel-cut oats
  •  1/3 c. oat bran
  •  3/4 c. frozen or fresh strawberries
  •  1 medium banana, sliced
  •  1 1/2 scoops strawberry or vanilla whey protein powder
  •  water (as needed for cooking - follow package directions)
  •  ¼ tsp. salt dash of cinnamon (big dash)


 Pre-cook oats the night before to minimize morning cooking time. Again in the morning, bring the oats to a simmer and add the banana, salt, cinnamon, and oat bran. Keep stirring and simmer until you have the desired consistency (10 minutes or so), remove from heat, and stir-in the strawberries and protein powder.

Nutritional Information

 Calories (Per Serving): 380
 Protein (g): 25
 Carbohydrates (g): 57.5
 Fat (g): 5.5
 Carb - Protein - Fat % Ratio: 61% - 26% - 13%

About Steve Adam